Help Center

Everything you need to know, so you can use like a pro...

We strive to give the best service as possible, and this F.A.Q. ( frequently asked questions ) page is on-goin and will be updates all the time, with the most common questions we receive - if you cannot find your answer here, feel free to contact os by email at any time. Happy hunting!

1. Do I need a credit card to sign up?

Absolutely not! Signing up is 100% FREE and without any costs.

2. Is it safe to use this website?

Yes, all your personal data is stored in a secure environment. But remember; don't reveal too much personal identifiable information with the person you're talking to.

3. Will my purchase be discrete?

We care about your private life and respect your privacy. Any charges made on your credit card will appear with a generic descriptor such as " *Connectr Gro" or "*Connectr G", that tells absolutely nothing. Also it will be processed trough a Secure SSL page, from one of our trusted merchants.

4. An error occured while attempting to enter my account

Try to enter your account by using another web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Windows Explorer 9 or higher). It might help you to remove your browser cache history.

5. What is "Pokes" and why should I use them?

With Pokes you can simply show someone your interested if you don't know how to start a conversation. Kinda like a Poke on Facebook - Then if the receiver is interested and like what they see and more out-goin, we are sure they will make contact.

6. How do I change my password?

To change your password, follow these steps:

  1. Login on our website.
  2. Go to the "Settings" area. ( Located in your profile menu )
  3. Click on password.
  4. Enter your old & new password.
  5. Click on the "Save" button
7. I want to adjust my personal information

To adjust personal information, follow these steps:

  1. Login on our website.
  2. Go to "Profile" 
  3. Here you can adjust and change your personal information.
  4. When you're done, simply click on the "Save" button.
8. Help, I cant upload a photo!

A photo must be at least 400 by 400 pixels and can't be larger than 15 MB and in the file format jpg, png or tiff. If you are still having issues with uploading your photos, please contact our support here.

9. How long will it take for my photo to show?

We will review all photos within 24 hours. 
Profile and private photo rules:

  1. The person on the photo must be 18 years or older.
  2. You may not violate intellectual property or someone's rights by posting a photo of them.
  3. The photo may not discriminate, promote violence, racism or any illegal activities.
  4. Your main profile picture must not a be a nude picture or a picture of a explicit sexual nature.
    ( Nude photos or photos of a sexual nature must only be uploaded to your private album )
10. How can I request my personal data?

GDPR request can be done if necessary - The e-mail address where you can send your request to can be found in our privacy statement.

11. My Matches

Here you will find your latest matches and all ladies near you.
They might like you or you might like them or maybe you have already been matched.

12. Find Matches

Play Find Matches.. and get closer to the ladies you like to get closer to.
Swipe right if you like what you see and find out if you are a match.

13. Why buy credits at

By buying credits and have active credits, you automatically get a "VIP" status and you will be looked at as being serious
and trustworthy, Which the girls and woman especially find eye-catching on this site - some of the other benefits is that
you will be more noticeable and rank higher in searches, getting more visits, pokes and likes, appear more often in the
match game and you can request private photos, send unlimited pokes and most importantly have private conversations
with like-minded people, exchange private photos and more - who desires and looking for exactly the same thing as you!
Get started now...

14. Behaviour & Etiquette

To keep this site as classy and naughty as possible, and keep everybody happy - please respect each other's privacy - 
don't share profiles personal names if mentioned, talk nice to the ladies and please do never share the pictures or 
sexting messages you might receive from other profiles - they trust you with in the message inbox. This is something 
we take very seriously, to maintain a high-quality service.

15. Have a question?

Feel free to contact us about any matter or issue you may have. If you can't find your answer here,
contact our customer support team from the contact us page in the bottom or by clicking here
We strive to answer everybody back within 24-36 hours. (Often, way earlier)